Before beginning, we do a little lesson on radial symmetry (symmetrical in many ways from the center). I help them remember the name because it radiates out from the center. Radiate-radial. Knowing that, the students will create their paper designs in a repeating patter, radiating from the center. We also learn about relief sculptures. A relief sculpture is a type of sculpture that is flat on one side and generally hangs on the wall.
So to set themselves up for success, they begin with a 12" x 12" squad pieces of black paper and fold it as shown below. Doing so creates creases where it was folded. These become the guideline to help create a symmetrical piece of artwork.
To teach the students the folds, I actually like to show them the video I posted below. This allows me to pause, rewind, restart as much as possible and it's awesome because it is a large image for the kiddos to see and learn from.
A winning project for sure and one that the kids always love the process and the end result!