"Cornbread" is quite the well known local artist. He does really fun, colorful bird and fish paintings. The students really enjoyed his work.
The Folk Birds that the students did were really cute and some are quite funny!
1. Cut paper bag into long strip.
2. Using chalk pastel, draw three large connected squares to break up area into three.
3. Draw large, very basic shapes for bird bodies.
4. Using tempera cakes, paint inside bird body shape, do multiple layers if necessary for opacity.
5. Using a contrasting color, paint the inside of square shape surrounding the bird.
6. Use chalk pastel to add details of beak, eyes, feet, wings and tail.
7. Use chalk pastel to create pattern design behind bird.
8. Use chalk pastel to create border pattern.
3rd grade
3-4 days
Students will observe local folk art and create unique multi-media art of birds.
NC Essential Standards
3.V.1.1 Use art vocabulary, including specific artistic terms. 3.V.1.4 Understand characteristics of the Elements of Art, including lines, shapes, colors, textures, form, space, and value.
3.V.3.2 Use a variety of media with refined skills.
3.CX.1.1 Exemplify how visual arts are used by various groups for artistic expression within the local community.
3.CX.1.3 Classify artists, styles, and movements.
3.CX.1.5 Use local, natural, or recycled resources to create art.
Used paper grocery bag, chalk pastels, tempera cakes
Art Vocabulary
Folk Art, lines, shapes, colors, Kent Ambler, "Cornbread", contrast