The students enjoyed learning about Keith Haring and found his life-story and artwork very interesting. They had a lot of questions to ask about him and his artwork. They were especially intrigued by the idea of him creating art that was free and cheap for people to enjoy.
I paired the students up with a partner and after looking at Keith Haring's artwork and talking about his 'stick figures' that show movement, they took turns posing for each other and drawing stick figure versions of each other onto their large white paper.
Next they used black paints and added squiggly, curvy, curly lines to fill the background space. These were inspired by many of Haring's work that used these black lines to show movement and to add pattern.
To finish their work, they painted the figures bright colors. The artwork was already beautiful but to make it more awe-inspiring and like Haring's wall paintings, we decided to hang these on the wall outside of the art classroom. We spent one class period hanging these up and getting them looking just right.
They look amazing and bring so much life to the hallway!