The students began their work by drawing a silhouette of a person (it could be themselves if they wanted). I provided them with references of images of people and of silhouettes of people. Once they drew the silhouette, they drew concentric circles in the background, similar to the way Aaron Douglas did in his work. Then the students painted the silhouette black, and starting with their color, the created a light tint for the inner most circles and slowly darkened their colors for the outside circles.
This was probably the most difficult project that I have taught. Many of the students really struggled with it. Many did not enjoy it because of the struggle. A few though really blew me away with their perseverance and hard work and the outcomes of those were amazing.
I will definitely alter this project for the future though because I think learning about the Harlem Renaissance and Aaron Douglas is wonderful and the possibilities of this project changing and growing makes me excited!